Providing a path out
of human trafficking
and forced prostitution
Giving Hope & Help
HOPE FOR THE FUTURE offers people in prostitution and other persons who have been affected by Human Trafficking the active possibility for an occupational new beginning,

We see ourselves as an anchor of hope to accomplish the following together with the concerned individuals:
- Confront the existential fears and worries
- Explore training and continued training possibilities
- Make the dream of a self-chosen occupational future in freedom and dignity a reality
In unserem Projekt Seminarhotel erhalten einige unserer Schützlinge die Chance auf eine Teilzeitanstellung im Hotelbereich, um wertvolle Berufserfahrungen sammeln zu können und damit den Schritt in eine neue berufliche Zukunft zu gehen. Sie werden in dieser Zeit über Hope for the Future sozial betreut.
Der Erlös des Crowdfundings dient der Finanzierung unserer Sozialbetreuerin Vorort. Das Funding läuft bis 12. Dezember 2020.
Insight into the lives of victims
We tell the stories of our current and past clients. We show how support can change the life of a
human trafficing victim.
We can help YOU!
We offer free workshops where you can learn German or word processing. We also offer free workshops where you can learn how to get started in the regular workforce.
In addition to this, there are jobs available in the hotel industry or the sewing trades, which can make the transition to the regular workforce easier.
We need YOU!
Without individual backers our organisation would not exist. From volunteer support, to a donation, or purchasing our sewn products and unique items, any support is welcome.
Support people in "need"!
Buy hand sewn products from HOPE FOR THE FUTURE – Customised to your needs and, if required, with your company’s logo.
Either as a gift for your employees or your customers – This will be a gift that gives on multiple levels!
About Human Trafficking and Prostitution
The Problem with “Dating Coaches”
Oppressed and indispensable: Women in North Korea
When international cooperation works – large-scale operation by Interpol
Porn Addiction: What Sex Videos Do With Us
Algorithms against exploitation
Deepfake Porn: it can happen to anyone
Helmut Kentler and his shocking concept of sex education
Imprisoned in Dictatorship: Forced Labour in North Korea
The goldmine of war: How the mafia is making money from the war in Ukraine
The Hinduja Case: Exploitation of Domestic Employees
Nordic Model Confirmed – Ban Remains on Purchasing Sex
From the Tannery to the Shoe Shelf: Exploitation in the Shoe Industry
The Shadowy Side of the Olympics
Appearance and Reality
From Football Pitch to Brothel
Internal Displacement – Displacement, Concealment, Helplessness
The Power of the Media in Fighting Human Trafficking
Between Pixels and Profit: Exploitation in the Gaming Industry
Volkswagen: German Car Manufacturer Accused of Using Forced Labour
The Many Faces of People-Trafficking
Truckers at the Limit: Exploitation on the Highway
The American Nightmare: Child Marriages in the USA
Babies to Buy: The Boom in Surrogate Motherhood
Beware of Fraud! The Growing Trend of Human Trafficking in Cyberspace
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?
The Scandal Surrounding US Rapper P. Diddy
Peconheiros – Children who harvest Açaí berries
Clickworkers – Exploited for Artificial Intelligence
“ID please!” – Mandatory age verification for Pornhub and Co.
Beauty at Any Price – Exploitation at the Nail Bar
The EU’s fight against human trafficking: A beacon of light?
Passport-Bro-Trend: Symbiosis – or Inequality?
“It’s all just an act” – The desensitization of both sexualized and sexual violence through media
In the Vines, You Don’t Talk
From Asia to Africa: Global hotspots for human trafficking
In the Net of Exploitation: Forced Labour in Fishing
Slave labor “Made in China” – Forced labor in Chinese prisons
Suspicion of human trafficking in massage studios in southern Germany
From Glamour to a Living Nightmare: The Dark Side of Escort Services
Pornhub – The Story of a Scandal
Online Sex Work: The Dark Side of OnlyFans
8 Myths about Human Trafficking – Clarified
From war-torn homeland to brothels – Ukrainian women targeted by human traffickers
The three most common risk factors for child and human trafficking – and what you can do to combat them
Why is misogyny acceptable on social media?
How Germany became “Europe‘s Brothel” in the name of progress
Fair trade in everyday life: A way to stop human trafficking
The Swedish Model
Lover boys. But that’s not love.
Human Beings to Buy and Sell: Pedocriminal Sex Tourists in Cambodia
Romania: Land of Human Trafficking
Sugar Dating: A modern form of prostitution?
Prostitution 2.0
How prostitution is regulated in EU countries
Child labor: A devastating trend
Illegal immigration and human trafficking: the terrifying connection between two urgent problems
Child labor in America: a society in regression?
The “Whore” Stigma
Modern slavery on the rise
Sold for Marriage: the Illegal Trade in Brides in China
When exploitation of minors becomes commonplace
Fighting back against human trafficking: over 1,000 people liberated
Woman as a Good
How just is criminal justice? The appalling immunity of human traffickers
Exploitation in Kenya: The True Cost of Our Tea
Slavery 2.0 – Forced into Online Fraud
What victims of psychological and physical violence have to deal with
Just how voluntary is prostitution really?
Freedom business projects worldwide
Child Pornography in The Philippines
Forced Labor in Xinjiang: The Hidden Suffering of a Religious Minority
A Path to Freedom – Exit Projects in Europe
To give – or not to give? Child beggars in Senegal
Capitalism and human trafficking
Family Bloggers: Child Labour Hidden Online?
Like oil on fire: The Corona pandemic & domestic violence
The Nordic Model – a Ban on Buying Sex
The Prisoners of Daulatdia: Prostitution and Human Trafficking in Bangladesh
Child Labour in Fireworks Production: the Real Cost of those Firecrackers
Children have rights – and yet, they are violated
The Qatari Gold Rush
Anatomy of A Miracle
Sweet Chocolate – Bitter Aftertaste: Child Labour in Cocoa Farming
Forced prostitution in Europe – sex, suffering, & money
Modern slavery in the middle of Europe
Narcissistic Abuse: Consequences and Help for Victims
The worst form of child labour: child soldiers
Bonded labor in India – a modern system with ancient roots
Children. Cobalt. Lithium batteries. Are there electrical appliances that don’t cause any harm?
Delivery Services
Cyprus and human trafficking
Trauma and human trafficking – how can those affected be helped?
Tourism on Mount Everest – Between identity theft and madness
Male Sex Work – Little Research, Many Stigmas
Ghislaine Maxwell and her abominable deeds
A ban on paying for sex according to the Nordic model: opportunities and risks
Treasures – A path to freedom
Tourism and Human Trafficking
The beautiful, glimmering world of mica: an industry benefiting from illegal child labour
Seeking refuge and human trafficking – A toxic combination
Organ Trafficking as a Form of Human Trafficking
Child pornography on the internet
All Just a Sham – Why You Should Keep Your Hands Off Fast Fashion
Hollywood and Human Trafficking
Female Ukrainian refugees threatened by human trafficking
Modern Slavery on Thailand’s Fishing Boats
Forced Marriage – What You Need to Know.
The A21 Campaign: an Organisation in the Fight against Slavery
End the myth and ban prostitution
Who are the human traffickers? What is their background and what is their motive?
Get help, but inconspicuously
Genocide and Concentration Camps in the 21st Century
Human trafficking and forced labor in Europe – Hotspot Netherlands, why falling victim numbers are worrying
Baby factories: The market for children is booming
Sex workers in the webcam industry
Glamour, glitter and gruesomeness – The problems with the fashion industry
The exploitation of foreign workers in Europe’s meat industry
The #MeToo Movement – An Overview
Women seeking asylum – From one crisis into another
Misery in Columbia: Fatalities in illegal mines
How language trivialises violence against women
Sweatshops: This is why you should not buy fast fashion
Child sex trafficking – A lucrative business
Human Trafficking: The Victims and Perpetrators
Infants traded like a commodity
The dark side of professional sport
The fight for survival – Sex work during the pandemic
Human trafficking in Paraguay
The tireless struggle of a former prostitute
Women and children – Victims of climate change
These everyday items are made with forced labour
Child Protection in Holiday Destinations
The everyday life in the red-light district-a misogynistic work environment
Child Labour: This is why it still takes place
Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation in Social Networks
From Dream Man to Street Corner – the Loverboy Scam
Seven questions around supply chain laws
Should the purchase of bodies be legal?
The fight against human trafficking: How anyone can help?
Modern Slavery in the Fashion Industry
The Trade in Humans Through the Ages
The promised life
Myths about prostitution
The Nigerian Mafia and Human Trafficking
The German Fairy Tale „the Star Money” by the Brothers Grimm (Revisited)
Victim Protection – Support and Individual Rights of Those in Need of Protection
Violence against women in prostitution
Susan: the brave woman who brought her human traffickers to justice
Begging in Austria
How do people become modern slaves? – Recruitment techniques in human trafficking
How does the corona pandemic affect conditions of human trafficking?
Trauma – the scars of modern slavery
Prostitution as a result of child abuse
The unpredictable loverboy scam
Pornography as gateway into becoming a John
The effect discrimination has on human trafficking
Addiction and prostitution
Children treated as commodities
What is currently happening at HOPE FOR THE FUTURE
We fight together for a better today – spotlight on volunteers
Final Report: Open Door Day 2024
“Hope for the Future” – For a Life in Freedom and Dignity
Donate Now for a Life in Freedom and Dignity, and “Say NO to Modern Slavery”
HFTF–EVI Project Report, October 2022
The ‘Hope Collection’: An unusual Fundraiser
A conversation with Andrea Staudenherz
A safe way out of an exploitative life – HOPE FOR THE FUTURE
Securing a sustainable future – our employment integration project in a seminar hotel in Lower Austria
Ines found her new life perspective with HOPE FOR THE FUTURE
The sewing workshop at HOPE FOR THE FUTURE – an ‘anchorage’ for the trainees
Volunteering at Hope for the Future
Joana – a trainee from HOPE FOR THE FUTURE shares her heartbreaking Story
A safe way out of an exploitative life – HOPE FOR THE FUTURE
Find your unique piece now
and support with your purchase HOPE FOR THE FUTURE.
Every piece is unique – individually designed and handcrafted!

“Crossbody” 10

Tote bag 11

Kosmetiktasche “Stop and Go” 6

“Surprise” Nr. 81011

“Surprise” Nr. 81012

“Surprise” Nr. 81013

“Secret” 8

“Secret” 7

“Secret” 6

“Secret” 5

“Secret” 4
Start your own
It would be a pleasure for us to arrange such an event for you and your friends.
Inform your fellow human beings in a relaxed atmosphere and do good!

The issues of Human Trafficking and Forced Prostitution have weighed on my heart for many years. Especially ever since I watched the documentary movie Nefarious regarding those issues, the urge to do something became increasingly greater. The question was only: How can I most effectively help, what makes real sense and what would help the concerned people long-term?
For many years I have been in contact with the leader of Herzwerk, an association that specializes in streetwork in the red light environment. During those years, we exchanged ideas and now for some time, I contribute on a voluntary basis to the Herzwerk to be in touch with the women out there.
There are two important questions, which they ask for the concerned individuals, when they wish to get out of human trafficking or prostitution:
1. Where will I live? – 2. From what will I live?
After numerous conversations, it has become evident to me that there is a specific field, in which there is actually very little done for this group of persons in Austria, and it is precisely in this specific field that I want to be set up in: in the field of integration in the job market.
Even when one offers the victims the possibility to get out, they are mostly very traumatized through their experiences, they have little knowledge of the local language, and they must first become integrated slowly and step-by-step into the normal everyday life. In this task of integration, I want to provide HOPE FOR THE FUTURE as a vehicle of support.
- Preparation for the jobmarket
- Support with the job search
- Procuration of continued education possibilities